Welcome to The Brew's Home Page!
Bruce Schiller
Amateur Radio Operator WA2ZST
Click for more band

Some of the other projects I'm involved in:
- callpix.com - a
website to help you pick good covered call stock
- Musician's Online
Database Exchange (MODE) is a service for musicians to
network to other musicians, find bands to join, locate
recording studios and rehearsal halls, and buy and sell
equipment, all sorted by your area code or country code.
I do C language, perl and php programming on postgreSQL,
mSQL, and mySQL databases, both freelance and for Northlab, a web page
design firm in North Jersey. Some of the pages that use cgi
scripts that I've written or customized especially for the
client are:
- Brew's Links to non musical web
sites. These are links of interest to me. Mostly
broadcasting, ham radio, and programming.

Send mail to brew@theMode.com if you have
any questions or comments.